Thursday, 19 September 2013

Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership

The Government has launched a new partnership between government and industry to share information and intelligence on cyber security threats. The Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership (CISP) is part of the UK’s cyber security strategy, established to help make UK businesses more secure in cyberspace. The partnership is being supported by the Security Service, GCHQ and the National Crime Agency, who will work with industry analysts to produce and disseminate information on cyber threats facing the UK. It complements the work being carried out by the National Cyber Crime Unit, which tackles the most serious, organised and complex forms of cyber crime.

The Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership (CISP) delivers a key component of the UK’s cyber security strategy in facilitating the sharing of information on cyber threats in order to make UK businesses more secure in cyberspace. This follows a successful pilot scheme launched by the Prime Minister which included over 160 companies across a range of UK sectors.

At a UUK Round Table meeting today universities were invited to apply to be members of CISP.

1 comment:

ET said...

Providing there is a clear understanding of where the boundaries lie, I think that this is certainly a good thing.

We can learn from good practice in central government, and they can get a taste of information security on a lower budget. I hope it serves as a good experience for all parties.