Tuesday, 13 May 2008

2008 IBM Academic Days Conference

Today it is the IBM Academic Days Conference...

Ian Abbott-Donnelly, European CTO, spoke on 'Big Green Innovations'

'Big Green Innovations' refers to IBM innovations. There is a separate IBM initiative to make datacentres more efficient (not really covered in the presentation).

Similar statistics were shown as at the Gartner briefing yesterday.

IBM advertised all the environmentally friendly activities they were engaged in...

IBM claims a retro fit to a datacentre will give 30-40% improvement. Re-building from scratch would give an 80% improvement in energy efficiency.

http://www.top500.org is said to have electricity costs for different supercomputers (but I cannot find it).

A comment was made re. reducing electrical consumption. This is likely to be necessary, not just to reduce carbon, but because the infrastructure will not be able to supply enough.

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