How to Make Your University CyberSecure
I ran a workshop at
EDUCAUSE last week titled: '
Diamonds and Paper Clips: Steps Needed to Make Your University Cybersecure'.
We conducted a survey, and there were really interesting results. The results show percentage of universities represented having specific achievements:
Percentage with IS
primarily in IT department: 95% (but strong views that IS has to become
separated from IT)
Percentage with recognised
and agreed Incident Response Process: 20%
Percentage with signed-off
university IS policy: 25%
Percentage with information
asset register: 35%
Percentage attempting to
classify assets: 25%
Percentage with IS risk
register: 10%
Percentage where
university can identify most valuable information assets: 15%
Percentage where
university can identify most valuable assets and perform risk assessment: 3%