Friday, 8 July 2011

Town Meeting - to discuss the UK Strategy for a Research Computing Ecosystem and the future of e-Science

A remarkable Town Meeting has been held at UCL, at which a draft Strategic Plan for the UK Research Computing Ecosystem was discussed. For years we have been trying to find the best way to build on the successes of the UK e-Science programme.

The timing of the Town Meeting proved to be inspired as in a recent development the Strategic Plan and associated documentation will be considered by David Willetts / BIS and circulated to university Vice Chancellors next Wednesday (13 July).

The Strategic Plan will be crucially important in the development of a coherent framework for the UK’s research computing ecosystem. The draft received strong support from attendees at the Town Meeting.

Steve Butcher (head of HEFCE Shared Services) spoke at the Town Meeting and offered to work with the community to develop the Strategic Plan further.

Please leave comments on the draft Strategic Plan referenced above.